Its an acronym. Much like many other names of companies that utilise a seemingly random collection of letters from the alphabet. UPS, IBM, RAC etc. 

When I (Ben) was thinking about a company name, I became somewhat frustrated that many of my completely brilliant original ideas were in fact entirely unoriginal and as such, were taken. 

That, and the determination not to resort to a poorly imagined name that has become very common amongst trades; often a persons initials with their industry on the end. BGG Electrical. It might have worked... 

I went with the geographic spin; I live on Thunder Lane, and I'm an electrician. I thought of something comical and that mocked the time I had already agonised over a name. I settled on 'Where There's Thunder There's Lightening'. 

The logo was trickier. Getting W T T T L to look usable was difficult - The 3 T's were easily confused with 2 T's. I ended up connecting the 3 T's at the base leaving me a shape quite recognisable in the electrical industry, and dropped the W and L from the image. 

After I had told the guy designing it about my book Broken Standards, he flipped it and made it look like a shield. The industry has poor policing, but what laws and standards we do have need to be defended, so a shield now makes up the logo.