Light switch stuck to glass

Expensive Repairs Following Electrical Work May Just Be Old Hat

If you are considering any home renovation project that involves electrical work... 

Then this article should be high on your reading list. Before you dive into the sea of suppliers and products, take a moment to ponder this: Is there a way that could save you time, money, and countless headaches?

Rewiring a home is a formidable task, fraught with challenges and uncertainty. Ask anyone who’s had it done and they will tell you stories of dust, noise, and disruption. It's slow, labour-intensive, and expensive. Then there is the strain on their wallets long after the electrician has left leaving the true cost, both in terms of money and time, difficult to measure precisely. The homes wiring system comprises of a few things, but the wire hungry wall destroying champion is lighting control. On average, the switches, and the wiring that connects those switches use more cabling than any other part of your home, and we’re installing more of it than ever before.

In this article, Ben Grant - Norwich Electrician and author of Broken Standards reveals a revolutionary alternative that few consumers know about. A fairly new technology that will redefine how we approach home lighting and control systems. It addresses the very problems that have long plagued conventional rewiring methods. You will discover how this technology can make your home renno faster, more cost-effective, and considerably less stressful. Say goodbye to the old days of smashing walls, damaged coving and pictures rails, and welcome the new approach to home lighting control.

In the world of home renovation, rewiring has long followed a familiar script. Picture this: wires snaking through walls, floors ripped up, dust settling on your cherished belongings, and electricians painstakingly working to update your home's wiring. It's a time-consuming process that can stretch from days to weeks, disrupting your daily life and racking up costs that might leave you in disbelief.

Lets zoom in on the problem: Traditional rewiring methods call for the wiring to run through the building. To do this, floors, walls, and ceilings will likely be cut into to make holes in joists to run cables through to supply various accessories.

This makes dust and mess inevitable, and depending on what tools are used, it can mean your entire home is covered in thick powder-like dust which is highly abrasive.

Then there’s the daily inconvenience of rooms being unusable and parts of the house that you can get access to. Accept that there is a cost for the materials and labour; we then need to stomach the follow-up costs of wall repair, replacement floor coverings, and redecoration. Then there is the potential for unexpected setbacks that make homeowners hesitant.

Conventional lighting control also has its limitations: 

once installed, wiring is very expensive to move or alter due to the re-opening of walls or floors for more cable runs, so knowing exactly where to position the switches and controls is often a one time only decision.

Some popular ideas being thrown around include replacing lighting control with smart speakers and apps. This adds more problems as this technology is expensive, often relying on a homes internet connection, and many solutions are not as intuitive as a simple switch by the door. 
I think many would agree that we want our light switches by the door or our bed, we just don’t want the destruction and collateral damage that goes with it. 

Let's begin to shift our focus to a solution that promises to change this story: wireless technology for light switches and control systems.

Reduced Labour Time: With wireless technology, the installation process is significantly faster than traditional rewiring. What used to take weeks can now be accomplished in a fraction of the time, allowing you to enjoy your newly renovated space sooner.

Minimised Disruption to Home Life: Say goodbye to the days of extensive labour and intrusive disruptions. Wireless switches and controls virtually eliminate entirely the need for ripping up walls and floors, reducing the physical strain on both you and the electricians.

Cost Savings: Perhaps the most exciting aspect is the potential for significant cost savings. Less labour, fewer materials, and a shorter timeline mean your renovation budget can go further offering things you probably wouldn’t have been able to budget for.

Minimal Disruption: Dust and mess is vastly reduced as you no longer need to cut into your home's walls to run switches. The impact on your daily life is diminished due to the removal of wiring runs that encompass multiple rooms and hallways.

Stylish and Customizable: Express your personal style with a wide range of colours and stylish designs for wireless switches. This technology empowers you to customize your lighting and control systems to suit your unique taste.

Battery-Free and Efficient: Forget about constantly changing batteries. With a range of click energy powered switches and with a life expectancy of 250,000 switch cycles maintenance is super low.

Lower Carbon Footprint: Less copper is used in the installation which reduces the environmental impact associated with mining and processing. Repairs to walls are lower meaning less cement-based repairs are needed. The installation process requires less heavy machinery, leading to reduced energy consumption and emissions. Components use less complex machining which helps to promote sustainability.

Wireless switches are a means of installing lighting control into homes quickly and with minimal effort. Having installed them in my own home and seen how they operate without a single issue for over 2 years, I can say that I, as a professional Electrician, is a convert. Installing conventional fixed light switches now feels thuggish and unnecessarily indulgent in my opinion.


Why aren’t more people installing them? 
Simply put, the technology is new to both consumers and installers alike who are not looking for ways to innovate unless they are shown a better way exists. You could be part of the movement.

New technology can be a fad, how do I know that this isn’t some ‘here today, gone tomorrow’ flop? 
The technology has been around for years. Its being used in more products that you might think. Its the innovation of some that are using this technology as a resource to solve the problems we have already mentioned. Those problems wont go away, and neither will this tech.  

What if it breaks? Who do I call if so few know about this tech? 
Any installer will give you a long guarantee on this tech. Furthermore, many are now putting their signature on the works and documenting their installations on social media making them easy to track if you run into problems.

Not convinced? The system is modular. A single component will not render you lighting control system useless. The design is good, easy to maintain, and with the help of google, any tradesmen can find everything they need on the system in just a few clicks.

Can I buy this tech myself?
Yes, you can! But lighting control can start getting a little confusing. Having talked through with hundreds of customers about simple switching and the options available, a consultation with a professional is highly recommended.

I don’t think they will work with my house design… 
Unlikely. Any conventional light switch that you are eyeing up, be it plastic or metal can be replicated in wireless switching form. Don’t believe me? Book a consultation right now for a chat about how this tech can work for you.  

Interested in discovering more about how this tech can become part of your project? If so, maybe its time we had a chat? Call us today to discover how we can work this into your reno plans: 

Call now - 01603 334 007 

Meet Benjamin Grant, a Local Electrican to Norwich with with two decades of experience in the field. Benjamin is not your typical tradesman; he's a consumer-focused visionary who understands that your home is more than just a structure; it's an expression of your unique lifestyle and personality.

With a passion for helping customers realize their vision for the perfect home environment, Benjamin is committed to harnessing the power of electricity in smart and thoughtful ways. His goal is to make your home not just functional but a haven that reflects your dreams and aspirations. Whether it's creating ambient lighting, integrating cutting-edge technology, or optimizing energy efficiency, Benjamin brings a wealth of knowledge and innovation to every project.

So, when you embark on your next home renovation journey, remember that Benjamin Grant is your trusted partner, ready to turn your electrical dreams into reality. With his expertise and dedication, your vision for the perfect home is closer than you think.